Bondage Escorts London
Have you ever wondered what it's like to spend time bound up with a beautiful companion who will service you and punish you should you want it? Well look no further than our bondage London escorts, who are here exactly to fulfil this secret wish for you. We know that many people are afraid to give control away to someone else especially in the bedroom but it can be an extremely pleasurable experience for both parties involved when done right. You can always talk to your chosen companion about what the limits are and what different types of bondage should be involved in your erotic exprience. If this is something you’re already into then have no fear and you can book one of our bondage London escorts as they know exactly how to help you achieve your dream.
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What is bondage?
Bondage involves being tied up with a variety of different materials, it normally involves a partner being the one bound and the other person to do essentially whatever they want to do to them. You rescind control in order for whoever you’re with to have complete power over you and what happens to you while you’re unable to move. Being bound can naturally cause pain but that’s just part and parcel with the bondage experience, we can guarantee however that you will be feeling more pleasure than pain in this case. There are multiple ways you can be bound or your bondage London escort should you choose that instead and she permits it.
Common Methods of Binding
Normally you will find that most of our bondage London escorts offer between one and three options, and they will be comfortable with using each one should you request it. The most common bondage tool are cuffs, these are quite vanilla and you have probably seen them in the past in an ex-lover’s wardrobe or maybe toy box and they are mainly used for restraining you to a bed or post or something along those lines by your hands or feet and overall it is quite simple to pull off and doesn’t take too much work.
Another common way is to use rope and this one can get quite painful at the initial binding stage, depending on where you choose to be bound. You can do it from the roof and hang down while nasty acts are done to you, or you can be tied to a post unable to move and completely submit to what is being done to you. You can also do it standing from the roof being bound in an uncomfortable position with your legs spread using crotch ropes, there are a lot of things you can do with rope and we haven’t touched the surface.
Why should you book a bondage London Escort?
There are plenty of reasons you can be pursuing a BDSM experience of this kind, whether you are feeling adventurous or you just simply want to try something new or you’re coming back to your old habits and want someone to do it with you. You can rest assured knowing that we offer the most professional and experienced bondage escorts London has available who will never leave you hanging, unless that’s what you want from the experience. Most of them will specify whether they like to be bound or they prefer doing the binding, you will definitely be able to find someone for the exact experience that you desire.
Out of all of our London dominatrixes, those who specialise in bondage are absolute masters of the erotic craft and they will be able to adhere to our client’s needs and fulfil their every desire. Not only are they incredibly attractive with figures that can make anyone sweat, but they are also confident and will be able to walk you through the sizzling hot experience you are sure to have with them.
How Can I Book One Of Your Bondage Escorts In London?
There isn’t anything simpler than making a booking with us here at Bed Domination, there are two ways you can choose to book one of our companions and they are both very easy to use. The first is to pick up your phone and dial 07809138166, this is the number of our reception team and they will be able to help you pick the bondage London escort that will fit you best and will walk you through the entire process and offer advice along the way.
The other option you have is to fill out our booking form which will let you look at your chosen companion one last time before you decide to book them. It can be completed on both mobile and desktop so use it at your leisure and complete it whenever you have a few minutes spare.
We also have a new feature called the Match Maker which does exactly what it says on the tin, it will try to find the most suitable bondage escort London has to offer you based on what you enter into the fields. If you answer the questions honestly you’ll be on your way to one hell of a sizzling hot erotic time.
Contact us today to book your bondage experience in London, you will never be disappointed with a date set up by Bed Domination escorts.