New Categories!
Posted on: 01 November 2017
As some of you may have noticed over the past few weeks we have been adding a variety of new categories to our site. As an integral part of our service, we want you to be able to find the girl of your dreams with as much ease as possible. With the addition of all these new categories, it will make it a lot less stressful to find London mistresses that specialise in a specific service. Over the next couple of blogs, we'll take you through every one of our new categories, and what the beautiful mistresses in each one can offer you.
If you're interested in finding out a little more about how booking a professional escort for you and your partner would be an amazing experience click here.
To begin with, we have out new couples escorts London page:
A London couples escort experience is something we always recommend to any client as it offers the exclusive chance for you and your partner to enjoy twice the pleasure. We always receive extremely positive reviews from those who book with a mistress who offers a couples session. This is something we wanted to make easier to access for those of you interested in trying one out. We have some of the most impressive coupes escorts London has to offer, and want to display them all for you to be able to choose. If you are indeed interested please head on over to our couples page and then give us a call once you've selected the lucky lady.
Next up we have our duo escorts London page:
Similar to a couples experience duo mistresses offer double the fun and double the attention, just for you. What could be better than the thought of having two professional London mistress either side of you ready to make all your dreams come true. It goes without saying that many never get the chance for such an experience, so why not be one of the few! Every one of our hot London duo escorts has built up an amazing relationship with their partner, only enhancing the level of intimacy and pleasure you get to reach. Have a good look through our duo gallery to give yourself the best chance of finding to perfect pair for you, once you've done so don't hesitate to give us a call!
Finally, we have our PSE (porn star experience) escorts gallery:
PSE/porn star experience is one of our most popular services as it offers individuals the chance to meet someone both experienced and talented in the art of pleasure and satisfaction. How often have you ever fantasied about getting to meet a real porn star, well today that can become reality? With the many requests for a porn star experience, we thought we'd make things a little easier and show you all the best porn star escorts London has to offer. Every one of our London PSE escorts has their own interests and personality so be sure you pick the right mistress to spend your night with!
As with any booking if you want any extra information, please give us a call on 07809138166. In addition, we will be adding further blogs to break down our other new categories so be sure to stay tuned for next week's blog!
If you haven't already read our new categories - part 2 and new categories - part 3 then we highly recommend you do because there are some great services for you to experience.